
The baby is almost 2 months old, and now we have a nice little bedtime routine going on with the 3 boys.

Pick up toys, get in jammies, read scripture, say family prayer, hugs kisses & happy words (I Love You), read a book, and go to sleep.  Hurricane is mature enough to fall asleep on his own after drinking a small cup of chocolate milk (because lets face it, chocolate milk is so much better than regular milk).  Dirt still needs to be snuggling to fall asleep.  He’ll chug his cup of milk, turn over, and hold on to my hair until he quickly dozes off to sleep.  The baby can fall asleep anywhere and on his own.  Its fabulous.  So, daddy and him hang out, while I put the other 2 boys to bed.

Since I cut out naps about 6 months ago, it usually takes less than 10 minutes for Dirt to fall asleep.  It’s has been really nice, and such a stress reliever! At first, no naps, was hard. REALLY hard.  My days were longer, and I got less accomplished, but eventually we figured out a system, and it’s been working great.

EXCEPT, on the rare occasion he does take a nap.  Which usually happens in the car, especially if we travel anywhere after 3pm, that takes more than 15 minutes to get to.

So of course, I had to drive back into town the other day, and Dirt took a nice 40 minute nap.  YAY for me…. NOT!!!


Because of said nap, THIS is how the bed time routine actually happened:

– Pick up toys, after threatening to throw away said toys because they wouldn’t pick them up after repeated reminders.

– Get in jammies- after running around the house naked.

– Read scripture- one kid sits on his head on the couch, while the other is still running around (at least he’s not naked anymore!)

– Say family prayer- Hurricane repeats what I said. sounding more like an enthusiastic baptist preacher.  So loud, I actually have to plug one of my ears, and it takes all the energy inside of me to not laugh at him.

– Hugs kisses & happy words (I Love You)- Which melted my heart when Hurricane said it to Dirt and the baby.  Proud momma moment!

-Read a book

and lay down go to sleep….  (so far so good!)

(okay, I’ll be honest.  The above bedtime routine is more like our everyday bedtime routine. Especially the running around naked part.  The next items on the routine are NOT normal)

– BUT Hurricane moved around so much on the top bed, that it was shaking and squeeking. Dirt was actually almost asleep, but the exasperations and squeeks from the top bunk made him go “Huh?!” and then be wide awake.

– Hurricane then started to wimper because mommy told him to “shush” too many times, and he decided he wanted more milk in his blue cup.  The cup must be blue, or its like something catastrophic just happened.

Of course by this time, Dirt is wide awake, and has a little skip in his step as he walks down the hallway to daddy while I refill the blue cup.  Dirt knows that he just scored big time.  He gets to stay up late, and not have to share any toys. Because of his 40 minute nap, he now won’t go to sleep for another 2 hours, and mom and dad have simply given up.

– Dirt hits the “tired & wired” stage, and from that point, everything he does is hilarious to us and him.

– He lays on the floor like a dead fish while waiting for some goldfish crackers. Then of course pours them out of the bowl onto the freshly vacuumed rug to share with the dog.

IMG_0665 IMG_0666

– We then ask him to let the dog out the sliding glass door.  He gets up from off the floor, and starts walking like a crippled little old man, slowly dropping his wooden trains as he goes… (how many trains was he holding!? apparently 4).. then the opens the sliding glass door, but stands in the opening so the dog can’t get out.  He uses his little voice to yell, “dog out!”, but still doesn’t move.  He slowly figures out that the dog won’t go outside, so he moves, and uses his entire body to “push” the dog outside (more like make her walk outside).  then closes the door, but leaves a 1 inch opening so he can still look at the dog while she is outside.  (ummm.. it’s a sliding glass door, you can see through it!)..

He lets her back in a few moments later, and then refuses the close the door all the way, letting the crisp January night air into the warm house.

– Sitting on the carpet where he was before, was not good enough, so he insists on sitting on the couch. EXACTLY where I am already sitting.  He sits behind me, and uses his whole 25 lb body to push me off the couch, while I am trying to nurse the baby.

– Once I move to the floor, he gets off the couch, and runs around the sofa chair a few more times.

– He gets back on the couch, and reaches over to the bookshelf and starts knocking all the books off the shelf.  Momma tells him not to do that, and he sort-of listens.

– He then stands on the couch and says “jump off!”, while I say, “please sit on your bottom” 5 times.  Does he listen? NO.  He jumps from the couch to the rug, and thinks he is the coolest thing since sliced cheese.

– I asked him once if he’s ready to go to sleep, and he walks to his bedroom door, and attempts to push the door open with his whole body.  I open the door, and what does he do? Start climbing up the ladder to get “B” his brother.  Momma does not let that happen, so we leave the room once again.

– He pretends to run into the wall.  Why?? I have NO IDEA.  (He’s 2.  That’s probably why.)

– He kisses daddy one more time before he leaves for work, but tries to go with him, which results in a tired crying fit, perfect for him to go to sleep with from exhausting so much energy.

– A 2nd cup of chocolate milk, and a handful of hair does the trick. Off to sleepy land he goes…

This mom is exhausted now.

THIS is my crazy life.  (but thankfully, bedtime isn’t like this every day)

Hugs, Kisses, and Happy Words

It’s hard being a mother.  It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  To go along with the task of simply being a mother, sometimes moms just have tough days.

On one random tough day, I got the best surprise, which, the phrase “Happy Words” was born.

Hurricane came gave me a hug, and said “I Love you”.  He called them his “Happy Words”, because when he says them that “makes me happy”.

My heart melted, my soul was rejuvinated, and I felt an extraordinary amount love from and for my family, and my Heavenly Father.  I knew that everything would be okay, even on the tough days.

I am so blessed to be a mother. It’s the hardest, but BEST thing in the world.  Knowing that my crazy kids love me, makes it all worth it.

The plot against mom

I thought my kids would be older when they started plotting with each other against me. Nope.

I was wrong.

Of course I was wrong because kids have this amazing ability to outsmart parents. Just when we think we’ve got it figured out, they change things on us. Brilliant.

So when the boys were in the bathtub bathing (I mean playing). I overheard their plot. It goes a little something like this…

Dirt: “mom, mom! Help me!” (in the cutest, and pathetic little voice ever)
Hurricane: “hahaha, she will never see this coming!” (his laugh sounding more like a wicked villain then a cute 3 year old)

Me: (to hubby) uh…. I don’t know if I’m going to go in there, last time I did, I got splashed right in the face and water got in my mouth. Yuck!

I walk down the hallway a minute later after hearing them laughing and splashing some more, and of course after repeated calls for “mom”.*(see side note at bottom)

As I walk in the doorway, there they are with bubbles all over their faces, and Hurricane has wadded up a couple of soaking wet washcloths, ready to launch at me.  “Watch this Mom!”

There is water EVERYWHERE in the bathroom.  Literally.


I knew this day would come, but honestly I thought they would be a little older than they are now.  I guess I better keep my guard up with these mischievous ones.

This is my crazy everyday life!


*Side note:  I don’t leave my children unattended in the tub, I know it is a safety concern and I check on them often, and always am near them.  Usually I’m sitting in the bathroom with them, but every so often I will walk down the short hallway to check on the baby in the other room. (our house is tiny, so I’m always close by)

Hate stuff

My son came to me with pink tinted sticky lipgloss put on his face under his eyes like a football player. Daddy asked him what it was, and didn’t quite understand what he said… So I tried to see if I could translate 3 year old language…

Me: what’s that stuff called?
Hurricane: hatestuff
Me: huh? Hatestuff?
Hurricane: yeah.
Me: why is it called hatestuff?
Hurricane: because daddy hates this stuff

True fact.

Gone missing

For my followers and readers you might have noticed I’ve gone missing for a few weeks now.

Don’t fret! I just had a baby.

And life got a whole lot more interesting (more like chaotic) since welcoming my 3rd boy into this world…

Which also brings many more interesting conversations with my almost 4 year old. VERY entertaining conversations.

So stay tuned.

You might be a parent if…

– You know most of the songs sung on Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood.
– you pick your child’s boogies out of their nose
– you’ve ever held out your hand and had a child spit something (May or may not have been food) into it.
– 7am is sleeping in
– your Netflix que has more cartoons than regular shows & movies
– you’ve totally sniffed someone’s butt. (Stinky diaper? Let’s check)
– you’ve hidden in the closet to eat a candy bar.
– you’ve locked yourself in your room to have a 20 second phone conversation.
– you find yourself cutting your own food into tiny bites.
– a shower by yourself is shorter then usual, but soooo amazing!
– you’ve ever had a hot wheel car rolled across your face
– you’ve let a child puke on you repeatedly to avoid cleaning the carpet
– you’ve cleaned out the washer and there were bits of food in it, and you didn’t question where they came from (your kid has been sick recently… Yuck!)
– you’ve consciously ignored the fact that your kid was drinking a mud puddle.
– sleep comes in 3 hour increments, and you get excited when you get 5 hours straight!
– secretly you enjoy some of the cartoon shows that kids choose
– before taking a nice relaxing bubble bath you have to clean out all the toys left behind
– you go to the bathroom with the door wide open. It’s going to get opened anyways, or pounded on repeatedly…repeatedly…. repeatedly…
– you’ve used goldfish crackers as croutons on your salad. (And liked it!)

What they don’t tell you…

Being pregnant and being a parent are great things.  But I have had to learn a lot.  There are things that “they” just don’t tell you when you are expecting, or even when you are a parent.

They say it’s worth it.

But they never say how stinking hard it’s going to be.

They don’t tell you that you’re going to be lonely.  Like really lonely.  Lonely in a new way.  Finding time to actually have a conversation with your friends on the phone, or with your spouse without being interrupted 20 times by a toddler, or a crying baby will be near impossible.  Then you will stay up late talking in bed, and before you know it the baby is awake again…

…But they say it’s worth it.

Then you will be exhausted to a new level, that NO ONE ever talks about.  Because somehow, we all are supposed to be energizer bunnies, even when we are tired.  And sometimes, you will fall asleep on the couch while the kids wreak havoc on your house, and you just don’t give a flying leap, because you are finally getting some much-needed sleep.

…But they say it’s worth it.

And when you actually start to have a social life, they don’t tell you that it will be hard to keep up.  And you’ll feel guilty for having friends, and you’ll feel guilty for not spending enough time with your friends even though you are extremely busy and tired, and pregnant, or want to spend some quality time with your husband.

…But they say it’s worth it.

They don’t tell you that your brain is going to quit working in the middle of a sentence, even after being cured from pregnancy brain.  For example “can you get some…. from the store?” some what? Some…. something… I’ll remember when you are ready to leave the store. I think.”

…But they say it’s worth it.

They don’t tell you that recovering from having a baby is going to be hard.  Baby blues are normal, and it’s not bad if you just hold your baby and cry for a minute or two, or 10.  It doesn’t mean you are broken.  They just don’t tell you that.

…But they say it’s worth it.

And they definitely don’t tell you need that jumbo size package of pads from Costco, stool softener, hemorrhoid ointment, or a bra so large that looks like its going to hold watermelons instead.

…But they say it’s worth it.

They don’t tell you that your emotions will get the best of you.  I’m not talking about the crying pregnancy emotions that everyone talks about.  I’m talking about the emotions that make you want to punch someone, or throw something across the room. Or how one small comment can make you want to bite the person’s head off.

…But they say it’s worth it.

They say that breastfeeding is the best for the baby.  But they don’t tell you that it can be difficult sometimes.  That you’ll have to change your entire wardrobe, just for easy access.  That you’ll have to give up on your favorite food or milk, or soda to feed the baby.  They don’t say that it’s totally okay if you DON’T want to breastfeed your baby.  But they do a good job at making you feel guilty for not.  And they don’t say anything about how the dads feel helpless, because they don’t have breasts.   They don’t say that it’s okay to choose breastfeeding, not because its healthy, but because you are cheap and its convenient.  (It’s free, and it’s always with you!)

…But they say it’s worth it.

But there’s help.  There’s always help, we just have to ask for it. It’s just that they don’t tell you that its hard to ask for help.    Extremely hard. Even when people are offering to help right and left.

…But they say it’s worth it.

And I agree.  I agree that these precious kids who drive you crazy, or make you want to strangle someone, or shave your hair off, or make you sleep deprived, and make you question why you even had them in the first place are worth it.  But it’s hard.  Really hard, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned…

The hardest things in life are worth fighting for, and are the most worthwhile, even if they drive you crazy.

So don’t be afraid to tell people!

By the 3rd…

As you’ve been reading, I’m expecting my 3rd boy.   This pregnancy has been so different then the other two.  Okay, not THAT different. I’m still fat, tired, and hungry. But, by the 3rd time, I know more of what I’m in for, and (this sounds bad) but care a little less.

By “care a little less” means, that being pregnant isn’t such a huge deal to me.  I love bringing my kids into the world, don’t get me wrong.. but there’s a difference the 3rd time around.  I’m not nearly as stressed about all the do’s & don’ts like I was with the 1st.  Being pregnant isn’t as big of a deal as it was the 1st time.  I’m still super excited for the baby to come, and I’ve loved feeling him move around in my belly, but I’ve done this before, I know more what to expect.  I’m not as nervous, or stressed.  I’m “seasoned”.  Does that make sense??

Here’s some more differences between kid 1, 2, & 3

– Mowing the lawn:  Kid #1- at 4 months along, I didn’t think the pushing and twisting was a good idea.  Kid #2- 8 months preggo, and still mowed the lawn (self propelled push, but still).  Kid #3- half an acre isn’t so bad, and I would probably still be out there mowing at 9.75 months along, if there wasn’t so much rain.  Somethings got to put me in labor, right?

–  Baby clothes & Crib-  Kid #1- all the clothes were nicely in the drawers and hung up, the crib set up, and sentimental toys placed perfectly around the nursery.  When the clothes were washed, they were in specialty baby friendly detergent.  Kid #2- hand me downs were all washed (in regular detergent) and ready, still awaiting the sentimental blanket from grandma 2 years later. Kid #3-  7 days away… I should probably get the clothes out of the attic for this kid… eh, there’s still time.  But, the crib is now no longer a catch all for the stuffed animals from older kids.

– Diapers:  Kid #1- Two incomes, bought a case of diapers from Costco each paycheck! Didn’t have to buy any diapers for almost the whole year.  Kid #2- Purchased a few cases of diapers, and were good to go for 4 months.  Kid #3- Still haven’t purchased any…. they do give you some at the hospital, and we pass Costco on our way home from the hospital…

-Name:  Kid #1- Perfectly picked out the name for baby a couple months in advance.  Combined family names, with trendy normal name, and it’s a perfect fit.  Didn’t announce name to anyone in advance, because we wanted it to be a surprise.   Kid #2- Had a couple cute names picked out, and finally decided on the name at the hospital a couple hours later. Still didn’t announce names to anyone beforehand.  Kid #3-  still trying to figure out a name for this kid.  Ready to open it up for a suggestions to the public, because we can’t agree on the name.  Our list is about 50 names long, and we really don’t like any of them.

– Food- Kid #1- Eats dirt, freak out.  Kid #2- nickname is Dirt, and is in dirt all the time.  Kid #3-  heck, I’ll have to decide whether or not to feed him lunch if I find him eating dirt with his brothers.

–  Getting Dressed-  Kid #1- Usually can get him dressed during the day, especially if there’s a friend coming over. Because they, and I quote Hurricane, “Don’t want to see me naked!”.  Kid #2- Its 3pm, and he’s either in his jammies still, or diaper only.  Kid #3- still need to get those hand me down clothes from the attic.  Well, I’ve got 2 outfits for the hospital, I’m still ahead of the game… (Right???)

– Sleep:  Kid #1-  Sleep LOTS.  Go to work, come home, take a nap, and go to bed early.  Then sleep all night uninterrupted (except when you get up to use the bathroom).  Kid #2-  I was fortunate to be able to become a stay at home mom, so I got to take naps with #1 while I was pregnant with #2.  BUT I was still woken up a couple times during the night by #1, and to use the bathroom, so sleep was very broken.  Kid #3-  naps?  No way. Unless I pass out on the couch unknowingly while the kids are binge watching Curious George.  Sleep at night?  I play musical beds with Kid #1&2, and I’ve got to use the bathroom a couple times during the night.  Exhausted is a really good description word for how I feel… and maybe “Zombie Mom” should be my new name.

– Pregnancy Books:  Kid #1- I read that book cover to cover! Had it memorized, and even made my husband read the dad’s version.  Kid #2- Used it as a reference.  It was stationed in the bathroom for the 2 (maybe) minutes of alone time I got to read it.  Kid #3-  I’ve taken it off the book case, and it sits next to my bed.  I think I’ve looked up something one time in it.  (Even that might be stretching it)

-Breastfeeding-  Kid #1-  I was super nervous! I wanted to try it, but wasn’t really sure if it was for me or not.  I was very hesitant when the lactation consultant at the hospital came to show me how and check on me.  How dare she look at my boobs! Used a nursing cover every single time, and hid in the bathroom stalls, or car to nurse.  Still considered formula at first, but decided I had gotten the hang of it, and stuck with it. Kid #2- At the hospital, I wasn’t nervous at all. I’ve done this before.  Covered up? Not usually, unless in public. (because I still don’t feel comfortable with other people seeing my boobs).  No way did I consider formula.  That stuff is so expensive! My milk is free!  Kid #3- Bring it on!

-Baby sleeping habits-  Kid #1- Tried to rock him to sleep, the house had to be super quiet, and he slept oh so perfectly in his bassinet or crib.  Kid #2-  He wouldn’t go to sleep unless he was rocked, or holding my hair (see my post about my issues here). House was definitely noisier, and he actually would fall asleep on his own every once in a while.  Kid #3- No way am I going to have a quiet house during nap time.  This kid better learn to sleep through a Hurricane (yes, pun intended).  Also, no way on earth will this kid touch my hair.  No matter how cute.

– Binkies- Kid #1- didn’t introduce the binky until he was 2 weeks old.  All the books said to avoid it, to not have nipple confusion.  He only liked using it at nap and bed time, plus he weened himself off it at 9 months.  That was SO easy!  Kid #2- binky was introduced in the hospital.  He loved that thing.  Finally got him weened off it, at ohhh… 22 months… Just in time for the new baby to have one.  (I’ll be honest, I let him use one a lot longer then I planned, but it was so easy to get him to sleep, or calm down).  Kid #3-  You better believe that this kid will use one. However, I think I will be more strict on his usage, not another repeat of kid #2.

-Caffeine-  Kid #1- NO WAY JOSE.  All the books say you shouldn’t drink it, so I didn’t.  In fact that one time I did (by accident), I was so concerned I poisoned my unborn child.  Kid #2-  I drank a few Dr. Peppers, but overall tried to steer away from it.  Kid #3- I can’t make it a week without a Dr. Pepper.  I’m praying this kid isn’t born with hyperactivity.  But at the same time, with how busy the other two are, maybe the caffeine in the womb will have a counter-reaction, and this baby will be calmer?  Maybe?? (That thought makes be feel better about it at least)

-Clean house-  Kid #1-  My house was clean! While he was sleeping, I cleaned everyday, and when my husband came home from work, it was clean and tidy.  Laundry done, and folded into neat piles.  Kid #2- My house is not clean.  But we still pick it up everyday.  I try. I really do. Kids really do go through so much clothes. And the toys sprawlled everywhere, no matter how many times you try and pick them up. Dishes always need to be done, and I’m not sure if I’ve got clean underwear for tomorrow. Kid #3-  I will be lucky to stay afloat.  Don’t be surprised if an SOS signal goes out there.

-Memory-  Kid #1-  I had a little pregnancy brain. At least that’s what I blamed my memory loss on.  Kid #2-  Pregnancy brain DOES exist.  So does mommy brain.  At least I remembered to write things down on the calendar.  Kid #3-  Mommy brain x2, and pregnancy brain. I’m screwed.  I’m not sure if I fed the dog today, and if its not on the calendar on the wall, and in my phone, and my husbands phone, it doesn’t exist.  I remember to shower everyday, but am not always positive that I brush my teeth or put on deodorant.  So I usually end up doing that twice in the morning.

– Dr. Visits- Kid #1- Scheduled my doctor visits so the hubby could attend as many as possible, including the birthing class.  Come with a list of questions for doctor at each visit.  Visits last 15-20 minutes.  Kid #2- Scheduled the doctor visits, so hubby or a friend could watch kid #1.  Hurry home, because I miss them both.  No birthing class.  Questions? sometimes, but not many.  and visits are about 10 minutes long.  (I’ve already done this before, right?)  Kid #3-  all doctor visits scheduled for when daddy can watch both boys. Questions are only asked if I remember to write them down, and that’s only if I have any.  Visits are 3 minutes long, and it takes me longer to walk up the stairs to the office then to meet with the Doctor. Afterwards I go grocery shopping for an hour of pure alone time.

-Perfection-  Kid #1- I wanted to be the perfect mom! I WAS going to be the perfect mom. I mean, I had seen others do it all the time, and knew not to make their same mistakes.  I’ve been an aunt since I was 10 years, old, being a mom couldn’t be much different, right?  I read all the necessary books, blogs, and taken all the advice to heart, no matter how contradicting it was.  Kid #2- Realized that I am NOT perfect.  But of course, I am a better parent the others, right? I mean, I’ve done this before now.  Raising 2 kids couldn’t be much different than raising one.   Still trying to achieve perfection, but realize it might not happen.  Kid #3-  I KNOW I AM NOT PERFECT.  But, somehow I am okay with that.  I know that I’m going to neglect one of my kids while taking care of the other.  I know the way my kids behave is not the way I imagined it, but overall, they are decent kids, and I’m okay with that.  Somehow, raising 3 kids seems to be both daunting and completing.  I’m 100% sure I am going to screw up, and I’m okay with that.

– Like my mom-  Kid #1-  I am NOT going to be like my mom.  Kid #2- ahhhh! I’m turning into my mom.  Kid #3- I AM my mom.

Overall, I’m looking forward to the new baby.  But I am surprised at how different I’ve felt with this baby.  I’ve done this before. I can do it again. I AM doing it again. and I’m going to love it.  I’m nervous about taking care of 3 boys.  I know it’s going to be crazy.  I know I’m going to have melt downs.  But, at the same time, my boys are so looking forward to helping with the new baby, that I can’t be anything but proud of them.  I know I won’t get much sleep. I know I’m going to be grumpy, and I know I will have the support of my husband, family and friends for when I need it.  There’s going to be times where I load all the kids in the car to only unload them because someone had a potty accident, or a blow out, or is throwing a tantrum. I’m okay with that.  I KNOW that the only way I will survive this is through a lot of prayer to my Heavenly Father for guidance. And A LOT of Dr. Pepper.

This is my CRAZY life everyday.  But It’s mine! And I am so thankful for that!

Herding Cats

The phrase “herding cats” is one that I use frequently, and it seems like it’s being used even more at my house right now.

Definition (for those not familiar with the phrase):

  • An idiomatic saying that refers to an attempt to control or organize a class of entities which are uncontrollable or chaotic. Implies a task that is extremely difficult or impossible to do, primarily due to chaotic factors. (source: Wikipedia)

Chaotic Factors = children

Here’s how our recent trip to Grandma’s house for family dinner went (BTW, she lives 6 miles away and takes 10 minutes to get there)

  • Hurricane wakes daddy up from nap (he worked all night long, and wanted to take a quick nap before heading out) by telling him that Dirt just puked.
  • Clean up puke off floor, and give said child a bath.
  • Take temperature and make estimated guess as to how he is doing.
  • Call Grandma and ask her opinion.
  • Make educated guess on child’s condition, and get him dressed to go to Grandma’s.
  • Attempt to load up kids, food, dad, and make sure the dog doesn’t eat the birthday cake while we are between trips to the car.
  • Hurricane has a fit because he wants to “start the car” for us, by putting the keys in the ignition.
  • Dirt throws a fit because he dropped his toy car.
  • Struggle to buckle car seats because kids won’t sit still.
  • FINALLY get loaded up, and pull out of driveway.
  • Get 1 mile away, and decide to make a quick detour to look at a shed at the local building lot.
  • Unload kids and let them run around a minute while we look at pricing  (We were out of the car for maybe 5 minutes).
  • Attempt to load kids in car seats again.  Hurricane throws fit because Dirt wanted to get on his side of the car and walk over his seat to get to his own seat.
  • FINALLY get kids buckled in again.
  • Step in big puddle trying to get to your side of the car.
  • Drive away, and turn on the next street.
  • Hurricane HAS to go potty just as we turn on the next street.
  • Pull over for him to go potty (advantage of little boys).
  • Dirt freaks out because he thinks mommy and Hurricane are leaving him in the car with dad and not ever coming back (we were standing next to the car while Hurricane went potty “on the bugs”).
  • Get Hurricane loaded back in his seat, and Dirt stops crying.
  • Dirt falls asleep half a mile down the road.
  • FINALLY arrive at grandmas.  Start unloaded things from car.
  • Unbuckle Dirt from his seat, and try to keep him asleep.
  • Walk into Grandma’s house with sleeping child, who then wakes up, and 10 steps into the house, PUKES all over me.  Down my shirt, in my hair, but thankfully not on the carpet.
  • Walk straight out of house, trying to not bump into anyone, while Dirt continues to puke on me.
  • Have him puke in Grandma’s yard a few times while we wipe him down.
  • Daddy and Hurricane stay at Grandma’s house. Mommy and Dirt go home.
  • Get home, Dirt pukes a few more times, and then is fine for a few hours.
  • Mommy is hungry for dinner and emotionally exhausted.
  • Dog gets loose from yard and goes on an adventure.  Thankfully neighbor is able to help wrangle the dog back to our house.
  • Dirt pukes 2 more times, then passes out from exhaustion.  (Just typing all this out is making me exhausted!)

Mommy wants to pass out too. Mommy REALLY wants to.

Taking your kids places is sort of like herding cats… don’t you agree?

The thoughts that go through my head at 3:00am



At 3:00 am, when all the house is asleep, and I of course cannot sleep, there’s a lot of random thoughts that come into my brain.


Here’s a sampling of those thoughts:

– Being a mom of boys is sort of like living in a Frat House, especially when the kids are sick. Puke everywhere, pee and sweat smell in the bathroom, and random people sleeping in your bed..

– Which is worse to step on? Lego’s, Army guys, or Hot-wheels?

– I think I might just shave my head

– Does he really sleep this deeply, or is he pretending? (about the Hubby)

– Maybe I will do my hair and put on make up tomorrow.  MAYBE…

– Shoot, we have dentist appointments next week, I better start flossing better

– I wonder if anyone will wake up if I go watch a few episodes of “New Girl”

– I love Yoga pants

– Why must the dog always jump on and sleep on my side of the bed… my feet are already hot, and she just warms them up more.   (10 minutes later… I love how my feet are always kept warm by the dog)

– Why did I think it was a good idea to go shopping with my kids again?

– My kids drive me insane sometimes, I should be a better mom and not think that way…

– If I go in and change his alarm clock before it goes off, I might be able to get an extra half hour of sleep today…


Some of these thoughts might turn into blog post later down the road… but for now, those are the thoughts that come into my brain in my crazy everyday life.